Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November Project Day 16- sarcasm

The Slow Clap.

Also... unless I'm super human, I won't be updating any more this week. Sorry.  Happy Thanksgiving! And Black Friday!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November Project Day 15- Christmaganda Part 3

Good Grief. 

November Project Day 14- Christmaganda Part 2

It's coming sooner than you think.

November Project Day 13- Christmaganda Part 1

At the Big Box.

November Project Day 12- shit, guys

But on the same day I thought this, I saw a lady in a purple raincoat with a plastic bag dress underneath.  And kids on the street corner giving away Free Hugs. So things couldn't be that bad.

Friday, November 11, 2011

November Project Day 11- Nudist Boyfriend

Thanks to everyone who has been watching so far and giving feedback here and in real life!   30 Drawings 30 Days

November Project Day 10- Cruelty

Taken verbatim from an overheard conversation. Ouch.

November Project Day 9

Wicker Park Characters.

November Project- Day 8

Wicker Park Characters.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November Project Day 6

Maybe one day I'll join the ranks of the...

30 Drawings 30 Days!

November Project Day 5- The Professional Smile

At all three jobs I currently hold, the skill of smiling is essential.  I am paid to smile, to look friendly, (pretty), open, and helpful; usually the goal of selling something.  David Foster Wallace describes this as the "Professional Smile" in A Supposedly Fun thing I'll Never Do Again.   I find that smiling professionally can diverge into different facial expressions given different situations.  Now that I use the Smile most every day at work, I have begun to successfully incorporate it into my personal life!  It typically aids in concealing emotion; akin to lying. But with a smile!

Level 1 Smile
Possible phrases that accompany this smile:
"Hi Ladies, how's it going?"
"That looks SO cute on you!"
"Would you like to try some toffee?"
"The show is two hours long with a ten minute intermission."
 Level 2 Smile and accompanying phrases:
"That looks SO cute on you!"
"It's okay you forgot to call me back."
"Please silence your cell phones!"
"Made with no preservatives or artificial ingredients.  And Gluten Free!"
Level 3 Smile
"That Looks So Cute On You. Please buy the fucking sweater!"
"I had a great time on this date with you!"
"I'd LOVE to hang out with you and your boyfriend!"

Day 4- College Grads

November Project Day 3- Earplugs

30 drawings, 30 days!  Since I have three part-time jobs, getting one up each day isn't really possible, hence, I'll be bunching them up like this.  Still counts! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November Project Day 2

At my retail job we play custom mix CDs made for us by various DJs.  Of course the songs tend to get stuck in your head, and finally I looked up these lyrics and found the video and female rapper behind it all (I am so 5 months behind, but whatever).  Kreayshawn.  I kinda dig it:


Drawing for today:

I am expecting the Occupy events to become a consistent theme.  I have several many related ideas.

November Project Day One

Last year I attempted to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days- an undertaking otherwise known as NaNoWriMo, which hopes to get us all off our lazy asses and write the novel we have inside us.  I made an honest effort and wrote about 13,000 words, but meandered around with several characters and very little plot idea.  I have been writing other stories and sketches this summer and fall, which has been a very useful creative endeavor, but there's part of me that thinks the 'novel I'm meant to write' won't actualize itself until I've got a little more life experience.

But, not wanting to lose out on that NaNoWriMo creative energy, I decided to try my own project this year.  I have decided to draw and post a small comic, sketch or character idea EVERY DAY for the month of November. The objectives for this project are:
1) Exercise the creative muscle- use it every day.
2) Practice and develop a technique/ form/ style of illustration or comic drawing.  What type of paper, materials, etc, work best for me?
3) Generate ideas for other projects- what I post here does not have to be finished and polished (there won't be time: also a tenet of NaNoWriMo philosophy)
4) Maybe build a small portfolio (maybe?)
5) Prove to myself this is something I can DO!  Just get up and doo it.

So, here I begin (one day behind schedule).  "It would have been weird if it weren't Halloween."