Micheline Heal, my friend and fellow Oberlin alumna, is choreographing a beautiful modern dance piece called "The Garden for Wayward Girls". I am flattered that she has asked me to help her with the "static" visual elements of the show- mainly some props (a Pandora's box for each dancer) and set pieces/ installation. It has been really fun to work on so far; the boxes are done (pictures later) and now, with a week left before the performance, I am posting some pictures and drawings to help Micheline and I communicate about the set. She's coming down to Richmond from DC tomorrow to hang out and then take everything back with her. Eeeek! Nervous about how much that needs to be done. Pictures below.
Show information: If you are able to get to DC, I would love to see you at the show! The performances are May 20th at 8pm and May 21st at 3pm and 8pm. Tickets are $10 in advance, The piece will be performed at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop at 545 7th St. SE, Washington DC. You can learn more about the theater company curating this event
here, and view Micheline's website

Crazy millwork piece I found and painted
