Hey all! Life has been a bit of a whirlwind- I graduated from Oberlin on May 31st and then immediately moved to Richmond, VA to start a post-bacc class at Virginia Commonwealth University. I'm in my third week of the class now and am really enjoying it. It's really intensive and I hope I am taking as full advantage of it as I can.
One of the projects I am working on right now is a participatory art piece. I have been introduced to Relational Esthetics and Relational art, and have been looking at the work of Harrell Fletcher, Erwin Wurm and Tino Sehgal. I don't really want to go into a long lecture about what all of this is about, but what a lot of what these artists/ ideas have in common is using human interaction as the basis for a work of art.
SO. I am currently inviting people across the country (and, perhaps, the world) to write a letter to themselves, send the letter to me, and then I will return it to them in three years. I will not be opening or reading the letters, I am merely the 'keeper of letters' and will make sure they are not lost and will perhaps be a nice surprise for the writer three years from now. I encourage anyone reading this to write a letter! Please send it to this address:
Three Year Letter Project
419 N Stafford AVE
Richmond, VA 23220
I am also keeping a blog specifically for the project, check it out. Tell your friends/ family/ neighbors/ hairdresser! I'm hoping to get as many letters as possible.